Thursday, April 30, 2009

I had a victory

I had a major victory yesterday. Finished tummy trimmers a weight loss group / course I was doing and we were measured at the start of it 7 weeks ago and yesterday we measured again to see if we had lost any weight. I lose 4cms in 7 weeks and I weighed myself on the scales and it said I lost 2.5kms. Good riddance to all of them and may they never come back.

I'm never going to be a small person but I want to feel healthier and it's starting to happen. Walking twice a week with a view to walking more and ten pin bowling once a week are making a huge difference to the way I feel.

I knew I wash heading in the right direction when a pair of jeans I've had for while now started to feel loser on me and that's how I gauge how I'm going and measuring your waist is a far more accurate way to gauge how much you've lost. I want to go down to a size 16 so I can buy my clothes from any shop. I'm down from a size 24 to a size 22 and shrinking.

One thing I've been told quite a bit. do exercise you enjoy. I joined a walking group that I enjoy doing and I joined a ten pin bowling league that I enjoy doing. I am also looking to get back into bike riding if I can find a way to stop falling off the darn thing and hurting myself.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another day another walk

I went for another long walk today. 2.5kms well it wasn't a really big walk but I felt flat after the Easter long weekend as I did nothing for 4 days. Exercise is really starting to agree with me. I also realised something to day that I hadn't before that there are lot of great walks around the city where I live. As long as they are flat I can walk any distance if I put my mind to.

Before I started this health kick I would've walked straight for the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus, today I walked to the main road and then into to town. I had to stop at the bank but it was really nice walk. I am going to find it hard to stay motivated over winter but I think I found the motivation to keep going today and that how good I feel while the winter will be really really cold I can layer up to ward off the cold in some ways it better than walking in the heat as it hard to cool down but you can always warm up.

Here is a photo of me and my beautiful fur kid Ka - zar about 5 years ago. I inclued this photo as a visual as to what I look like as nothing much has changed. I am a work in progress but getting smaller. I want to get down to a size 18 - 16 and stay there as I am never going to be a small person I just want to be smaller and a lot healthier than was.

Just what I've cut out of my diet has made a huge difference. I don't eat unless I'm hungry and I don't snack between meals any where near as much as I used. I also don't comfort eat anymore while there are things I don't like about my life I am finding other ways to cope like walking when I'm stressed not only is healthier but my waist line will love it in the end too.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Where to start

I decided to start a diet diary not because I'm an expert on the subject far from it. I am writing this blog / diary as I have struggled with my weight for a long time. It is something I want to do to record stuff I want to remember and record progress but if other people want to read it it's fine by me.

What you won't find in here is the latest diets as I've never followed a fad diet in my life and I don't indent to start now. When I have lost weight in the past it's been through a balanced diet and exercise and then more exercise. Not that my diet is perfect now far from it but I have started to exercise more and felt a huge difference in the way I feel.

I've had a lot of people ask me what I do to lose weight. It simple I walk a lot more than I used to and when I can take a longer walk between two places I walk with a walking group once a week and then try to walk another two time by myself. I want to get to the point where I'm walking three to four times a week but at the moment that's all my knees can cope with as I have arthritis in both my knees and if I lose weight there will be less stress on my knees and the further I will able to walk.

I also ten pin bowl in a league with my brother once a week. I personally think the key to exercise is to enjoy it. Once I get better fitness I am hoping to get back on the bike and get some rides in. I also play with my ten year old cat who still loves to be chased around the house like a kitten.

Other forms of exercise I've been told are good for weight loss are.

  • Mowing the lawn - It's a high intensity walking workout
  • Vacuming the house - If you keep doing it for more than 20 minutes
  • Playing with a cat - I know this from personal experience as my ten year old cat still loves to play.

All of the above must be working. I don't weigh myself on scales and I am doing a weight loss group at the moment and have been told not to measure yourself is far more accurate that weighing yourself as there are too many variables with scales.

I went into a shop I haven't been able to fit in their clothes for ages and tried a shirt on I liked and it fitted me a size 22 while it still a big size it was a victory for me as it was smaller than what I used to get into. I think I might have dropped a clothes size already and it was a really nice feeling.

I'm a great believer it not a number on scale that counts it how you feel health wise and how your clothes feel on you is far more important I don't know how much weight I've lost and I don't care my pants that used to be snug on me are now needing belts to help them stay up and a pair of jeans that I used to wear a belt with on the first hole I can almost get to the second hole they are victories for me and the best way to gauge where my weight is at.

If you have read this far I hope my rant was helpful and sorry it went for so long. Thanks for reading and I will write once a week or something new and exciting happens,